
Well done New York!

photo from www.freeourmidwives.org photo gallery

I have been secretly holding my breath and cautiously paying attention to certain legislative matters happening in the state of New York. I live far on the other side of the country, but when it comes to birth and more specifically choices regarding birth, I am fiercely passionate. I had my baby at home but I don't presume to think that home birth is for everyone. But I do presume that access to midwife assisted home births is a fundamental right of every pregnant woman.

And today, I learned that the Midwifery Modernization Act was passed in New York and that women will again have access to midwifery supported home births, if they so choose.The efforts of women, families, strangers, midwives, legislators and supporters of home-birth proved that it is possible to fight for what you believe in and be triumphant, without abundant resources or time. Well done New York, well done!

{read the good news first at marvelouskiddo}

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